Meet Your Coach

Sarah Is A Women’s Weight Loss And Gut Health Accredited Practising Dietitian.

I’m Sarah, and I’m on a mission to empower women just like you with the skills and tools to start your journey to better health and well-being.

My approach is simple - I translate the science of nutrition into practical recommendations, with empathy and compassion.

My passion for working in food intolerance, gut health and weight loss grew from working with women who were dismayed, frustrated, and quite frankly at their wit’s end. From women who had tried everything to lose weight and were at the point of despair. To women who were embarrassed to go on a date night with their partner for fear, they would spend the night in the bathroom with cramps, diarrhoea and gassy wind.

These women needed my help and I knew I had the answers. 

I knew I could tell them their symptoms “weren’t all in their heads” like they had been told so many times before. I knew I could advocate for them, to help them get the diagnoses they needed – whether a food intolerance, IBS, PCOS, thyroid disorder, or other – to make sure they were getting the most accurate medical, lifestyle and nutrition management.

I also have the privilege of helping to facilitate numerous online support groups for women both in Australia and across the globe.

And in my spare time? Well, I can be found running after my two busy children and enjoying time with my family. Coming from an Italian background, I love eating and cooking great Italian food – yes, I could not live without bread, cheese or pasta!

What you can expect when working with me

  • Sarah Lauren Health Dietitian

    Personal & Individualised

    Our initial client call is one of the most important. This is where I learn all about YOU. We have time to go through detailed health, medical and lifestyle histories. I listen and understand your health concerns, your motivations, but also the barriers that have stopped you in the past from making those important changes in your life. Knowing this is important so I can tailor your plan and experience to make sure you are on the right track and get the most from your program.

  • Sarah Lauren Health Dietitian


    There is no shortage of “health experts” on the internet. It can be downright confusing to figure out truth from fiction. I have a Master of Dietetics and am accredited by Dietitians Australia. We have a code of ethics we are required to practise by, and must complete ongoing continuing professional development every year in order to keep our accreditation. This means you can expect only science-backed, evidence-based information. This is a no bs zone.

  • Holistic

    Because I acknowledge I am not the leading expert in everything, I make sure that your plan includes collaboration and advice from other health experts where needed to help reach your goals. Whether that’s exercise physiologists, gastroenterologists, psychologists, personal trainers, gut-directed hypnotherapy, or something else, my aim is to provide a holistic and balanced experience. You can feel confident knowing you are being guided through this experience.

  • Sarah Lauren Health Dietitian


    While we all have the best intentions, I often find that as motivation waxes and wanes, making lifestyle changes can stall and sometimes fizzle out altogether. This is why I make sure your program includes regular “check-ins” to make sure you are staying on track and getting all your questions answered. With regularity and consistency comes the best results.

  • Sarah Lauren Health Dietitian


    When you work with me you become a part of my community. Through your program you have access to other women going through the same things, working towards goals like you. Lean on them and me to be your cheerleaders and your motivation. Let me be your dietitian and your coach, confidant, guide, and go-to. When this happens, my clients get the best results.

  • Sarah Lauren Health Dietitian

    Realistic & Uncomplicated

    I’m Italian. I love food. I especially love cheese, wine, pasta and bread. Achieving your goals shouldn’t mean giving up the foods and drinks you love. Your program will teach you how to include these things as a part of your diet. My programs make it easy to achieve your results. With access to meal plans, recipes and other resources, you will have everything you need to succeed.