For Women Who Want To Get To The Bottom (no pun intended) Of Their Gut Symptoms.


Does this sound familiar?

You think something you are eating is triggering your gut. It’s been like this for years and it’s getting more and more frustrating not knowing if the next thing you eat will leave you feeling sick and bloated.

😩 Being able to eat a meal one day and feel fine, but eating it the next day makes you unwell, bloated, gassy and maybe even running for the loo.

😩 Food anxiety because you’re not sure what not to eat.

😩 Some days you just want to give up because you are so overwhelmed and frustrated at how unpredictable your gut feels.

You’ve got enough on your plate trying to maintain a social life, juggle family, drink enough water, text everyone back, stay sane, survive and be happy (PHEW), but if you don’t figure out what is making your gut so cranky and banish those painful gut symptoms forever?

😩 You will continue to feel sad and frustrated walking up and down the supermarket aisles confused about what to buy.

😩 You will continue to watch your family eat what YOU want to eat but think you can’t.

😩 You will continue to restrict foods or entire food groups perhaps unnecessarily.

😩 You will continue to ‘show up with a smile but be panicked deep down at every social event you attend because you won’t know if the next thing you put in your mouth will leave you running for the loo!


But, imagine if you could live a life WITHOUT fear of where the nearest toilet is and who will be around when you need to use it.

That you could spend time with family and friends, being able to confidently order off any menu.

That a trip to the supermarket could be a POSITIVE experience.

And that you could do all of that rocking a flat tummy (”buh-bye” bloating, gut pain and unpredictable poops)!

That’s what working with me gives you.

Food intolerance affects 15-20% of the population. It can be extremely difficult to pinpoint the cause of your symptoms given food contains a variety of different components.  There is also no test that exists that we can use to explore and diagnose your intolerance.  Currently, the only way to diagnose food intolerance is a dietitian led elimination diet and re-challenge.  Given the complexities and restrictive nature of elimination diets, it is my job to make sure you are doing it safely.  

Choose your package:

PACKAGE 1 - Premium Package:

  • We work together for 12 months to achieve your goals and importantly maintain consistency in your results.

  • Sessions are dictated by your goals - this is not a One Size Fits All Approach.

  • Monthly telehealth meetings. The first session being 75 minutes so we can dive deep into your medical history, lifestyle, and diet, and we do an in-depth investigation into your symptoms and gut triggers. We schedule 30 minute monthly sessions after this, and you can request as many 15 minute “check in” sessions with me when needed.

  • A safe elimination diet plan to ensure you are still eating a wide range of nutrients, vitamins and minerals.

  • A challenge plan tailored to your needs.

  • A plan for long-term symptom management.

  • You get a “dietitian in your pocket” for 12 months as I take your hand step-by-step through your journey.

This package is perfect for:

👍🏼 Women who have been struggling with bloating, gut pain, cramping, wind, or diarrhoea for years who have come to the conclusion they just have to live with it (hint: you don’t);

👍🏼 ‘My guts a complete mess’ women that can be fine one day and bed-ridden the next, having to take time off uni, work or ‘life’;

👍🏼 Women who have trialled the low FODMAP diet previously and frustratingly wonder why they still can’t calm their cranky gut;

👍🏼 Women who KNOW they need to do something to control their gut symptoms but are so overwhelmed by the idea and fearful of the restrictions it might bring to their personal and social life.

This package isn't right for you if:

👎🏼 You haven’t had your symptoms assessed by a medical professional;

👎🏼 You HAVE some symptoms but they are so mild that they are not impacting your day-to-day life significantly;

👎🏼 You don’t want to spend 10 minutes every week planning your meals;

👎🏼 You want a ‘quick fix’ for your symptoms.

PACKAGE 2 - ‘Just The Basics’ Package:

  • We work together for 6 months to achieve your goals.

  • Sessions are dictated by your goals - this is not a One Size Fits All Approach.

  • Monthly telehealth meetings. The first session being 75 minutes so we can dive deep into your medical history, lifestyle, and diet, and we do an in-depth investigation into your symptoms and gut triggers. We schedule 30 minute monthly sessions after this.

  • You get a “dietitian in your pocket” for 6 months as I take your hand step-by-step through your journey.

NOTE, this package doesn’t include:

x Meal Plans and recipes

x Additional 15 minute sessions

x Video and Resource Library

x Long-term support after 6 months


What People Are Saying


“I started noticing that I was having some gut issues at least 5 years ago (when I really think about it, I probably had some very early signs maybe even 15years ago!)! I spoke to my GP who recommended that I see a trusted dietitian - they recommended Sarah.”

“I’ve been loving the 28 Day Body Reset program and food, and have lost over 10cm off my waist alone – still a lot to go but it’s a good start!”

“I absolutely loved the 28 Day Body Reset program and loved it so much I am going again for another 28 days. I feel so much better than I did 28 days ago and noticing a big difference in myself!”