For Women Who Want To Lose Weight Without Restriction, Feeling Deprived, Or Eating ‘Bleugh’ Food.

Does this sound familiar?

You know you need to lose weight but that’s nothing new. You’ve been trying for years, trying every diet you can think of. Even though you’ve been successful in the past, you keep gaining back the weight. You’re at your wits end and don’t know how to lose weight and keep it off for good.

😩 The constant cycle of yo-yo dieting - “clean” eating one week and then bingeing the next.

😩 Feeling restricted and deprived.

😩 Thinking you have to say goodbye to all yummy foods and eat steamed broccoli for the rest of your life.

You’ve got enough on your plate trying to maintain a social life, juggle family, drink enough water, text everyone back, stay sane, survive and be happy (PHEW), but if you don’t figure out how to lose weight and keep it off for good?

😩 You will continue to feel sad and frustrated walking up and down the supermarket aisles thinking you can’t buy your most loved foods.

😩 You will continue to watch your family eat what YOU want to eat but think you can’t.

😩 You will continue to look longingly at those jeans that have been hanging in your closet for years, desperately hoping that one day you might fit into them again.

But, imagine if you could live a life WITHOUT restriction, food fear, and feeling terrible about yourself.

That you could spend time with family and friends, being confident in ‘those’ jeans.

That a trip to the supermarket could be a POSITIVE experience.

That’s what working with me gives you.

Research says 80-95% of dieters gain back the weight they’ve worked so hard to lose. That’s why I believe in adopting healthy and sustainable habits that you can do long-term (think rest of your life).

Do you really believe it’s realistic to never drink alcohol again? Or to say no to bread or cheese or pasta for the rest of your life? I know I could never do it, which is why I won’t ask you to do it. 

Believe it or not one of the healthiest eating patterns, the Mediterranean Diet, doesn’t restrict these things either. Rather, it focuses on primarily plant-based foods including whole grains, olive oil, vegetables, fruits, legumes, and nuts, with an emphasis on fish and seafood (other protein eaten in smaller quantities). This eating pattern is strongly correlated with longevity and disease prevention due in part to its anti-inflammatory properties. This is why I utilise these principles in my meal plans when working with my clients.

Choose your package:

PACKAGE 1 - Premium Package:

  • We work together for 12 months to achieve your goals and importantly maintain consistency in your results.

  • Sessions are dictated by your goals - this is not a One Size Fits All Approach.

  • Monthly telehealth meetings. The first session being 75 minutes so we can dive deep into your medical history, lifestyle, diet, exercise, and nutrition goals. We schedule 30 minute monthly sessions after this, and you can request as many 15 minute “check in” sessions with me when needed.

  • Additional learning sessions to cover essential topics like how to combat cravings and non-hungry eating.

  • Monthly meal plans and recipes so there’s no thinking involved.

  • Regular accountability, mindset lessons and motivation to help you be consistent and achieve your results quickly. I may be biased but I think this is a game changer for many women and is a big missing piece in many other weight loss programs out there.

  • You get a “dietitian in your pocket” for 12 months as I take your hand step-by-step through your journey.

This package is perfect for:

👍🏼 Women who are serious about making a healthy lifestyle change and are committed to not only me but themselves!

👍🏼 Women who can “give up control” and trust the process.

👍🏼 Women who have tried different diets in the past and feel nothing has worked.

👍🏼 Women who have been told by their medical professional to lose weight (thanks by the way Doc, cos I don’t already feel horrible enough!)

👍🏼 Women who KNOW they need to make a change not just for themselves, but for their families, partners and/or children.

👍🏼 Women who are so overwhelmed by the idea of weight loss and fearful of the restrictions it might bring to their personal and social life.

This package isn't right for you if:

👎🏼 You haven’t discussed your weight with a medical professional;

👎🏼 You don’t want to spend 10 minutes every week planning your meals;

👎🏼 You want a ‘quick fix’ for your symptoms.

PACKAGE 2 - ‘Just The Basics’ Package:

  • We work together for 6 months to achieve your goals.

  • Sessions are dictated by your goals - this is not a One Size Fits All Approach.

  • Monthly telehealth meetings. The first session being 75 minutes so we can dive deep into your medical history, lifestyle, and diet, and we do an in-depth investigation into your symptoms and gut triggers. We schedule 30 minute monthly sessions after this.

  • You get a “dietitian in your pocket” for 6 months as I take your hand step-by-step through your journey.

NOTE, this package doesn’t include:

x Meal Plans and recipes

x Additional 15 minute sessions

x Additional learning sessions - while we can still discuss some of these other nutrition topics in our regular 30 minute meetings it is really dictated by the time we have as opposed to dedicated learning opportunities.

x Long-term support after 6 months

PACKAGE 3 - ‘28 Day Body Reset’ Package:

  • 28 day meal plan, recipes & grocery lists

  • 24 page Success Manual

  • Checklists and Worksheets

  • Private Facebook Group - connect with other women who have purchased this program to ask questions, get support and feel motivated!

  • Daily Emails to keep you on track

This package is perfect for:

👍🏼 Women who want to work with me but aren’t quite ready to commit to 6- or 12-months.

👍🏼 Women at the beginning of their weight loss & health journey.

👍🏼 Women who need to kickstart their weight loss journey again after some downtime.

👍🏼 Women who don’t feel they want or need on-going appointments or support.

REMEMBER, this is just the beginning of your life-long relationship with food. Once you finish the program, I strongly encourage you to continue working with me to achieve your goals without deprivation or restriction.


What People Are Saying


“I started noticing that I was having some gut issues at least 5 years ago (when I really think about it, I probably had some very early signs maybe even 15years ago!)! I spoke to my GP who recommended that I see a trusted dietitian - they recommended Sarah.”

“I’ve been loving the 28 Day Body Reset program and food, and have lost over 10cm off my waist alone – still a lot to go but it’s a good start!”

“I absolutely loved the 28 Day Body Reset program and loved it so much I am going again for another 28 days. I feel so much better than I did 28 days ago and noticing a big difference in myself!”