Sarah Di Pietro Sarah Di Pietro

5 Reasons Why The Low FODMAP Diet Isn’t Working

If you’re new around here (firstly, hello! But secondly…), you might not know just how pivotal the low FODMAP diet is to people experiencing IBS. It's an elimination diet used to help people figure out what foods are causing their gut symptoms, so they can manage their symptoms long term.

But here’s one little tidbit not many dietitians in the industry are talking about: it doesn’t work for everyone.

It should. We know it should work, because in theory it eliminates many food groups that make the gut crankier than me without a coffee first thing in the morning (which is to say, very cranky!). But it doesn't work for everyone, and there are five key reasons why this might be the case.

If the low FODMAP diet isn’t working for you, read on to discover the five questions you need to ask to investigate the issue.

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Jordan Koster Jordan Koster

What Are FODMAP Groups & Why Do You Need To Know About Them?

If you have IBS or a food intolerance, you’ve probably heard of the low FODMAP diet.

In case you need a refresher, this diet is used to help manage IBS symptoms by eliminating foods high in FODMAPs, then slowly reintroducing them to find the foods that set off your symptoms the most.

What you might be surprised to learn, however, is that there are actually five different FODMAP groups, all of which can affect your body in different ways.

Whether you’re currently undergoing the low FODMAP diet or are thinking about starting, it’s crucial to understand the five FODMAP groups and how they will impact your long-term, trigger-free diet.

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Sarah Di Pietro Sarah Di Pietro

3 Questions To Ask Before Going On A Low FODMAP Diet

You might have seen the low FODMAP diet being pushed and pedaled by Instagram influencers over the last few years, claiming how great it is for bloating amongst numerous other health benefits.

But is the low FODMAP diet suitable for everyone? Is it suitable as a long-term diet? Let’s take a look at three questions you should ask before starting a low FODMAP diet.

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Sarah Di Pietro Sarah Di Pietro

10 Easy Low FODMAP Snacks to Help Manage Your IBS

If you’re one of the 30% of Aussies experiencing IBS, you’ll have no doubt heard of the low FODMAP diet.

Designed to provide relief from the uncomfortable (and often painful) symptoms you experience, this diet can be a tough one to understand and integrate into your day to day life.

That’s why I’m here to give you 10 super easy low FODMAP snacks that won’t set off your IBS!

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Sarah Di Pietro Sarah Di Pietro

Bye Bye Sleeping Through The Night

Have you said “bye bye” to sleeping through the night? Are you feeling exhausted or “running on stress hormones” all day? Do not fear, I have some great tips (and an amazing recipe) for you! The science of sleep is fascinating, complicated and growing Sleep is this daily thing that

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Sarah Di Pietro Sarah Di Pietro

Everything you think you know about healthy eating is wrong

Oh my gosh – nutrition and diet info is everywhere, am I right!? And each expert or “expert” tries to lead you in their direction because they know best and their advice is going to help you. Right!?

There is no shortage of health information available on the internet, in the media, and from well-meaning family and friends. But some of that information may be doing you more harm than good.

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Sarah Di Pietro Sarah Di Pietro

What is metabolism?

This word “metabolism” is thrown around a lot these days. You’ve probably heard that if yours is too slow you might gain weight. But what exactly does this mean? What exactly is metabolism?

Well technically “metabolism” is the word used to describe all of the biochemical reactions occurring continuously in your body. It’s how you take in nutrients and oxygen and use them to fuel everything you do. And it’s these biochemical reactions that keep your body alive and functioning.

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Sarah Di Pietro Sarah Di Pietro


It’s easy to make New Year’s resolutions but as we all know it’s much harder to stick to them. Often, we make these grand declarations of how we’re going to fit into those jeans that have been sitting in the wardrobe for five years, or exercise every day, only for us to lose steam by February (or earlier). Instead of making a resolution that will take more time and effort than you can realistically give, why not instead try to adopt one new habit a month.

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Sarah Di Pietro Sarah Di Pietro

The Essential guide to Food Intolerance and Allergy

Food allergies are defined as “an immunological hypersensitivity”.1 Put simply, this means food allergies involve the activation of the immune system. In “healthy” individuals, the immune system can distinguish between harmful and harmless substances. But, in those with food allergies, their immune system reacts “abnormally” to proteins (allergens) in certain foods.

There are two main types of food allergies: “IgE-mediated food allergies”, and “Non IgE-mediated food allergies”.

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Sarah Di Pietro Sarah Di Pietro


I don’t like the word “superfood”. It implies there are some foods that are far more beneficial for your health than others. The reality is, less than 4% of Australians are eating the recommended amount of vegetables every day, and for those aged 18 years and younger this number drops to less than 0.5%. This is hugely concerning! More than 1/3 of Australians’ daily energy intake comes from alcohol, sweetened drinks, cakes, pastries, and confectionery, and this isn’t helped by the abundance of packaged foods in our supermarkets.

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Sarah Di Pietro Sarah Di Pietro


Is intermittent fasting more effective for weight loss compared with daily kilojoule restriction?  It is a way of eating that has become more popular over the years.  While many religions have practised fasting for centuries, it is only recently that intermittent fasting has become a part of ‘dieting’ culture.  But what exactly is it?

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Sarah Di Pietro Sarah Di Pietro


It’s coming up to that time of year again. For some, this means enjoying good food and good company, but for others it can be wrought with anxiety and fear about how to come out the other end feeling like you haven’t totally spun out of control. So how can we enjoy the Christmas and New Year period more mindfully? These 5 tips will help you stay on track.

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Sarah Di Pietro Sarah Di Pietro


A topic which comes up a lot especially more so during the summer months is detox diets or “juice cleanses”.

The main problem I have with them are they are advertised as a “wonder product” that coerces people into thinking their body actually needs them to function, because without them “your body is a toxic waste dump”.

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Sarah Di Pietro Sarah Di Pietro

Meal Planning

Meal planning, it’s something I do every week.

Honestly, I’d be lost without it. It saves my sanity when my children start whinging at that critical 4pm “tired/cranky/hungry/I need attention/I want attention/I demand attention” time! The other really great benefit is that when I go to the shops I have an exact list of what I need, meaning I’m less likely to impulse-buy, and I have less food wastage at the end of the week.

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